Trees are our salvation

I have deep greenie sentiments but in truth, unlike my father, I’ve never been a gardener, never can I recall have I even sowed some seeds and planted anything of note. Mowing the lawn and watering the garden have been my limits, and these days I don’t even do basic things like raking. Yes, I deal with the fortnightly green bin for the council pick up but little else more. I’m not even a lazy gardener. I am guilty of neglect and omission “… the darling buds of May”. Make that the darling buds of November. On our property in the Blue Mountains, with a riot of nature on a large suburban block, we have many trees both deciduous and evergreen back and front. We even have a Lilly Pilli tree growing up in the middle of our deck. I love trees, climate change mitigation demands reforestation and more trees, and I’m forever singing their praises. The best views for travelling motorists are trees and beautiful forests. The best real estate is in leafy areas, and these day...