From DTP to web publishing and developing websites.
Above: the home page of Write Away. As a teacher of English you also teach writing: they go hand in hand at all levels. The same for other teachers of language: literacy and its underling, writing, are at the core. In my case, I taught some high school English but for most of my career I taught adult migrants. Writing can be as simple as form filling and as complex as a job application, a short story, a difficult letter, or the recounting of some experience. From basic notes to literature. I encouraged writing of all kinds with my advanced students on a wide range of topics. Such student writing resulted in a print magazine called Write Away. Subtitled "a showcase of writing by Australian adult migrants" it went to print in 3 editions. A small group participated across AMES. We did the design, layout, collating, and the offset printing for the first two issues. Desktop Publishing (DTP) was emerging in the 1980s and I was keen to master it. I still treasure...