David and Goliath revisited
In biblical times it is said that David confronted Goliath and slew him with his sling thus defeating the Philistines, and David then going on to become the king of Israel. We all know the story.
Today, in the same part of the world, a struggle continues between a David and a Goliath, but this time Israel has become the Goliath and David the stone-throwing youths of the Occupied Territories. It may not be kosher to say this, and I definitely do not call for the destruction of the Israeli state, but perhaps the most oppressed people in history have been transformed into oppressors themselves, which is a very sad outcome, and I’m sure one many liberal citizens in Israel are uncomfortable with.
Israel has the heavy artillery and firepower: they have the tanks, fighter jets, armoured vehicles, highly trained troops, well-regarded intelligence services, and more to inflict enormous pain on anyone who confronts them. In contrast Palestinian youth throw stones and shout defiance. Yes, there have been rocket attacks and bombers, and no one is calling for the laying down of defensive arms, but there have been many instances of massive bombardments of schools and hospitals with horrific death and destruction. It’s not an eye for an eye but 3 deaths to 120 deaths in retaliation.
So who’s the regional bully, the Goliath, in this melee of death?
Currently, we have a situation where a young Palestinian girl, Ahed Temimis, is up before an Israeli military tribunal for slapping a heavily armed Israeli soldier in the face, assault and incitement the charge. Two Israeli soldiers were in the driveway of her home and refused to leave her yard. Her village had been raided on many occasions and two of her relatives have been shot dead by the IDF, and a 15-year-old cousin shot in the head with a rubber bullet leading to the removal of part of his skull. There has been talk of up to a 10-year prison sentence for what elsewhere might result in a fine or short period in a lock up. Military tribunals are not known for dealing out civil justice.
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Ahed at 8 confronting Israeli soldiers in her village. |
This has led to protest around the world and to further evidence that Israel is the regional bully, the Goliath and not the David. This is very sad as Jewish people have a long history of extraordinary contribution to the world in the arts, the sciences, and culture. Think Einstein, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Carole King, Leonard Cohen, the Marx Brothers … the list is endless and an outstanding legacy to Jews everywhere. Apart from numbering some of my favorite artists and best friends as Jewish, the best I ever had was also Jewish. They would be equally appalled at how the modern Jewish state is throwing its weight around far beyond protecting its legitimate security interests. There is an opposition and a peace movement within Israel and I applaud them, and anyone else who stands up against Benjamin Netanyahu can't be all that bad.
Another lingering issue is the expansion of settlers into Palestinian territory, despite international protests over many years. Such action is ideal for IS recruitment and doesn’t help the cause of peace in this troubled part of the world, nor an abatement of terrorism elsewhere. The Trump administration has defied world opinion in deciding to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem: 128 to 9 countries voted to condemn this move and included leading Israeli allies such as the UK, France, Germany, and Japan. Arrogantly the US Ambassador at the UN said they were taking down names of the countries that didn’t support their position.
The only peaceful way forward is a 2 party state which recognises the legitimate claims of the Palestinians for a sovereign and independent state, something that will never take place under Benjamin Netanyahu. The sooner he is voted out of office the better. They are ill-served by this unbending fool. Shalom to that.
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