Stepping out in life

My stepping up regime. 18.600 steps per day. Amazefit GTR Taking steps rules my day and I set out to exceed 18.600 steps per day or well over the 10.000 steps considered a mark of fitness and well being. My target is 12000 steps but I exceed it by far sometimes doing up to 25000 steps when I'm out somewhere. In fact, I plan my day around these targets and 18.600 is like a magical figure. Walkers have their superstitions but I'm sure my toes won't fall off if I go another number of steps. But there are variations depending on factors such as rain, heat, indoor steps when watching or listening to something of interest, eg music, podcast, football game, YouTube video and so on. When it’s warm inside I turn on the air-conditioning to keep cool. Cool’s the rule and I avoid sweat at all costs. I don't like being a sweaty guy. So perhaps most of my steps are indoor jogging of sorts which can annoy Cathy who fears it’s damaging our flooring. It certainly puts h...