Vale Mark Colvin
Written 6/3/2017
Mark Colvin died on 11 May 2017 and Thomas announced his death on The World Today.
Dear Mark
I noted with
amusement Lee Duffield “covering the mouth” of a colleague at a JJ meeting in
the 70s. I have known Lee and his ex-wife, and colleague, for many years.
Indeed Di visited us just before their departure for Belgium and Lee’s European
posting. As luck would have it we had friends in Brussels able to accommodate
the Duffields upon their arrival.
Early this
year we had a family reunion and the subject of books came up, as it often does,
and I recommended your book to my sister-in-law’s brother, the actor Richard
Mellick. The following day Richard, the
voice of SBS’s Who Do You Think You Are, caught up with his actor friend
Christopher Stollery and talk inevitably turned to his upcoming plays, in
particular Mark Colvin’s Kidney. We greatly look forward to going to the play.
once described courage as “grace under pressure” and you Mark have shown tremendous
grace in recent years. I wish you optimal health, with less pressure, in the
years ahead. Please keep reading, writing, and broadcasting. For these strengths
are your gifts to us, your listeners and readers.
Kind regards
Colin Oriti
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