

Hope you and yours are well, safe and covid free. XYZ and I are well and have recently become grandparents to a beautiful boy called ............. See attached. Our daughter married her partner of many years so we now have a son-in-law to add to our family. He is a journalist with DW and behind the excellent Planet A series on YouTube. Hope your news is also good. 

[Personal paragraph above to start the email variable according to the receiver]

I haven’t been idle and am writing about the launching of an important project at which has been a lot of work, blood, sweat and tears. Indeed it’s the culmination of over 20 years of support for indigenous communities in Brazil suffering due to the impacts of climate change. A short 30 second flyer is attached that summarizes the project. It is clickable and can take you to the website. The Welcome page explains it all.

 The website is rich in content with many links and videos on climate change, including a drone flight over the area. We hope it sparks a revival of rural communities and their transition to ecological and sustainable farming. There is also a blog for updates beyond what the website has to offer. All in all the videos and links make the website an online classroom on climate change. 

Climate change is an Inconvenient Truth as stated by Al Gore in his award-winning film: it is already at our doorstep and will sour the futures of our children and their children. The English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, wrote that "life in a state of nature is nasty, brutish and short." This is hardly the future we want in a 2+degrees post-industrial world. We know you are on the same page and are committed both in time and money towards a better world, in your own way. But climate change is more than casting a vote at a coming election. We hope that you might support our project and a positive post COP 26 future. Perhaps donate a few seeds for the future of life on this planet. Remember: 

From little things big things grow.

 Stay safe and all the very best





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