The safety catches are off and the shootings continue without end.
Another mass shooting and the same stock platitudes tweeted from President Trump: “Our thoughts and prayers go out to blah blah blah. Such platitudes are understandable forms of sympathy in many tragic situations but not in the shootings of innocents by deranged citizens with insane firepower.
But for the latest case of mass killings, the NRA once again has Trump in a headlock ensuring no change and that the killings will go on. Mental health checks of gun owners, of even people on terrorist watch lists purchasing guns in certain locations, is disregarded and new laws of open carry take the dangers of gun ownership to a new level. Sadly gun sales have gone through the roof since the Sandy Hook massacres due to, oh yes, that oft-repeated platitude: The only thing to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun, like Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock who was unknown to police before he went on a deadly rampage.
Of course, politics is all awash with platitudes and the ones quoted above have all the veracity of coming from a platitudes generator, from the top drawer of political excuses. Like mail merge, you have the principal text and you only have to fill in the blanks.
Once again we hear repeated that “Now’s not the time to be talking about this.” When the blood is fresh on the ground and anguish is high, there’s never a better time to be talking about gun control. But US politics is dependent on patronage and the NRA is a big donor that invariably gets its way, particularly on the Republican side of the great divide where the GOP is a partly owned subsidiary of the NRA. Nevertheless, a significant percentage of the US population want increased gun control, particularly amongst Democrat voters.
Some interesting facts about US gun ownership. Sixty-Six percent of mass shootings in the world between 1983 and 2013 were in the US. Since this time period, the US figure may have increased. Gun ownership goes beyond pistols and revolvers: high power military weapons add to the stockpile in many American homes that have arsenals of firepower.
The US has to stop being the Wild West of guns blazing away. Gun control doesn't work the NRA say and give the example of its application in Chicago. What they fail to mention is that it was implemented in only a small area of the CBD and that any idiot could drive out of this narrow zone and buy whatever firearms he or she chose. That's playing loose with the facts and shouldn't surprise. Besides sadly many guns are bought at gun shows, under the counter and illegally through newspaper ads, all areas that require greater control. This works elsewhere around the world.
Other gun statistics from ABC's John Barron:
The cartoon below makes this point perfectly.
Other gun statistics from ABC's John Barron:
- 300 million guns to the population of 323 million: twice as many per capita as 50 years ago.
- The US represents 4.5% of the world's population yet own 48% of privately held guns.
- 50% of guns owned by 3% of the population.
- The average gun-owning household has 8 guns.
- After the Sandy Hook massacre, legislative change in 24 states made gun ownership easier and sales have increased.
- Since 1970 more people have been killed by gun in America (1.5 million) than have died in every war since independence (1.4 million)
"From my cold dead hands..." Charlton Heston's words echoed by the NRA.I am not against gun ownership per se providing that it is controlled tightly, disallowing nutjobs if you'll excuse the expression, criminals, terrorists, and the unnecessary purchase of high powered military assault weapons. In my year in the Vietnam War, 1968, I was never more than 3 or 4 paces from my M16 the butt of which almost served as a pillow when in the field. But this reckless flooding of guns will only cause more grief and heartache. The world outside the US is much more careful about gun ownership and witnesses far fewer shootings.
The cartoon below makes this point perfectly.
Update, 24 February 2018.
Mental health checks prior to buying a gun are at best a limited solution. Like checking criminal records; many crooks simply don't have records assisted by clever lawyers who keep their slates clean. You can be sure that a lot more blacks are not so lucky and are on record, undeservedly. Not all are certified insane or unfit. Unlike Rain Man, many with mental health issues live below the radar.
People don't brandish mental health issues, a stigma, nor do their doctors and health carers. There is privacy to be respected here.
Today no one is required publicly to wear mandatory mental health warnings like “Stars of David” as did Jewish citizens under Nazi authority.
Finally, mental health breakdowns can make sudden appearances, eg so-called brain snaps or full nervous breakdowns, or meltdowns. One can be fine in July but criminally depressed and deadly in October. Sometimes depression is seasonal; at other times it is totally unpredictable.
In November 2009 an army psychiatrist in the US Fort Hood army base killed 13 people and wounded 30 others. There were lots of guns around but that didn't stop Major Nidal Hasan in his murderous rampage. Hasan's normal job included certifying individuals as insane, but fully armed he was on a suicide mission and bulletproof.
So mandatory mental health checks don't amount to much. Far better to delay and restrict gun purchases. Fewer guns will always get my vote and approval.
Update, 25 February 2018.
Many major American companies are responding to customer feedback around the school shootings, and are taking direct action that shows their disapproval of the NRA and its antics. They are withdrawing discounts to NRA members and even the issue of NRA credit cards. Some gun owners in red states talk about boycotting these companies but #BoycottNRA may grow and leave them with their shame and fewer options.
Welcome to the DisUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, courtesy of Donald J Trump. Sad.
People don't brandish mental health issues, a stigma, nor do their doctors and health carers. There is privacy to be respected here.
Today no one is required publicly to wear mandatory mental health warnings like “Stars of David” as did Jewish citizens under Nazi authority.
Finally, mental health breakdowns can make sudden appearances, eg so-called brain snaps or full nervous breakdowns, or meltdowns. One can be fine in July but criminally depressed and deadly in October. Sometimes depression is seasonal; at other times it is totally unpredictable.
In November 2009 an army psychiatrist in the US Fort Hood army base killed 13 people and wounded 30 others. There were lots of guns around but that didn't stop Major Nidal Hasan in his murderous rampage. Hasan's normal job included certifying individuals as insane, but fully armed he was on a suicide mission and bulletproof.
So mandatory mental health checks don't amount to much. Far better to delay and restrict gun purchases. Fewer guns will always get my vote and approval.
Update, 25 February 2018.
Many major American companies are responding to customer feedback around the school shootings, and are taking direct action that shows their disapproval of the NRA and its antics. They are withdrawing discounts to NRA members and even the issue of NRA credit cards. Some gun owners in red states talk about boycotting these companies but #BoycottNRA may grow and leave them with their shame and fewer options.
Welcome to the DisUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, courtesy of Donald J Trump. Sad.
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