Tribute to Vincent Tilsley

Vincent Tilsley 3 June 1932 - 29 September 2013 I’ve had the good fortune of meeting some amazing people in my life and high on the list is Vincent Tilsley, outstanding British playwright, author and Jungian therapist, to which I might also add, legendary alcoholic. His opus can be googled and seen on IMDB, and on a Facebook page maintained by his daughter, Joanna. See For interviews with Vincent as the scriptwriter of The Prisoner, a cult drama series in the 60s, see Vincent was invited to the University of Western Australia by the Politics Department in 1974 as he had co-created a successful TV series, the Guardians, about a military takeover of Britain. He was notable for a long list of other successful TV productions ranging from adaptations of Dickens and Jane Austin, popular series such as The Prisoner, Z Cars, The Forsyte Saga and Dr Finley’s Case, and the...